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How to protect your home before your Easter holiday

Published: 08/03/2017 By CW

 Don’t make it obvious you’re not home

Nothing says ‘I’m an empty house, help yourself’ like a pile of post by the door. Before you go away, give your neighbours your spare key and ask them to pop round every now and then to collect your post. If you don’t have neighbours, or maybe wouldn't trust them with a key to your house,take advantage of the Royal Mail’s Keepsafe service. This service will hold your post for up to two months for a small charge. Be sure to cancel milk and grocery deliveries too.

Switch off!

Every single appliance should be switched off at the plug, except your fridge/freezer! Not only does this reduce risk of fires, will also save you money on your utility bills. While you’re at it, turn your central heating off - to avoid paying to heat an empty house.

Keep them guessing

 Now you don’t have to do it Kevin McAllister style and trick any burglars into thinking you’re hosting a party, but you can purchase timer switches for your lights and set them to turn on and off at specific times, so that your house look lived in.

If you’ll be driving to the airport or your resort, see if you can find somebody to park on your drive while you’re away.

Lock up 


It sounds obvious, but make sure you check all doors and windows are locked before you leave. This includes garages and sheds! If you were to be burgled and your insurance provider found out your doors or windows were unlocked then they may be unwilling to pay out for a claim. Once the doors are locked, make sure keys are completely out of sight and reach of and windows or your letterbox!

Finally, leave a spare set of keys with your neighbours so that they can access your property if something was to go wrong.

 If you’d like any more advice from a top Estate Agent in Leeds, please get in touch.  We’d be very happy to help.