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What's the best time of year to sell my property?

Published: 03/02/2017 By Story

If you are thinking of selling your home, it’s important to get it on the market at the right time of year to give yourself the best chance of securing a good offer.

Traditionally, spring is the peak time to sell houses, when the flowers are coming into bloom, evenings are warmer and lighter, and people have more time to view, away from the distractions that Christmas and summer holidays can bring. It also means that the move would most likely take place in the summer. This is appealing for parents, who might want to get their children settled into a new area before the next academic year starts.

If you are thinking of getting your home on the market this year, now is the ideal time to spruce it up ready for selling (see our blog on ‘staging’ the home for tips on how to do this).

If you don’t feel quite ready to sell yet, early autumn can be another good time to sell, but don’t leave it too late as you could hit the Christmas lull, when it’s cold, kids are off school, and everyone is too busy partying to think about viewing properties. The danger here is that your home could end up on the market for some time, leaving prospective buyers asking themselves, “Why is this house still on the market, what’s wrong with it?”

But what if you need to sell quickly, perhaps because you re relocating for work for example? You might not be able to choose exactly when you put the house on the market, in which case you may need to just bite the bullet and go for it anyway.

There may be some argument to say that in the winter months only the more serious property hunters are looking, so if your home is priced competitively for a quick sale and is well presented, you could still be in with a chance.

Whatever your circumstances, you can contact us for house valuation Leeds because we can help you sell your home at a time that is convenient to you. So why not call us or drop in for an informal chat?